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BoxenMD provides a comprehensive suite of tools & strategies for:
Marketing (like medicine) has largely fallen prey to the tyranny of specialists — inbound marketing, digital marketing, direct mail, search engine optimization, user experience design, branding — every expert claims to hold the keys to the kingdom … and consequently wants to consume the lion’s share of your resources in exchange for their particular expertise.
But you of all people understand that multiple, interdependent systems cannot be addressed in isolation. Your relationship with your patients begins before you ever meet them. Medical Marketing is the beginning of that relationship. I’ve built Boxen around the philosophy that complex communication between people — design & marketing — requires the integration of interdependent disciplines working together in systems. Sound familiar?
We helped Dr. Aaron Hartman convert local search engine queries into a fully-funded, membership-based medical practice (in less than a year).
We helped Dr. Aaron Hartman convert local search engine queries into a fully-funded, membership-based medical practice (in less than a year).
Logos in gray are subcontracts or clients served during employment with Alliant Studios.
Thank you for your interest in BoxenMD. However, at present, we are not taking on any new clients. We will update this section if and when our capacity allows for new engagement.